Wednesday, February 1, 2012

[Paleontology • 2003] 'DuckCroc' | Anatosuchus minor • A new notosuchian from the Early Cretaceous of Niger

Anatosuchus minor ("duck crocodile", for the broad, duck-like snout)

Skull of the crocodyliform Anatosuchus minor. Partial skull in articulation with the atlas and the anterior portion of the axis (MNN GAD17). A Lateral view. B Dorsal view. C Ventral view. Pink tone indicates restored snout margin. Scale bar equals 5 cm.

Sereno P.C., Sidor, C.A., Larsson H.C.E., Gado B. 2003. A new notosuchian from the Early Cretaceous of Niger. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 23 (2): 477-482.